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T:Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon, MrGao! T:How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, Thank you, and you?

T:I’m fine,too.What’s the weather like today? Ss:It’s sunny.

T:Very good.Sit down, please!

設計意圖:以學生耳熟能詳的英語問候語“Good afternoon.”“How are you?”以及天氣等引入課堂,吸引學生的注意力.

Step 2 New words and expressions

The students learn the new words and expressions all by themselves, and help each other, the teacher checks and helps. Now call a student to read them ,the others listen and check..

S1:(reads the new words and expressions)

The teacher teaches the new words and expressions,then the Ss read them and check each other.


Step 3 resentation

T:Please look at the picture. What’s this in English? Ss:It is a cinema.

T: Very Good. Then would you like to go to the cinema? S2: Yes,I’d like to. S3:That’s a great idea. S4:That’s a good idea. T:What else? S5: Great idea. S6:Good idea. Theteacher takes out another picture and says this is a football match between Num.1 Middle Schooland Num.3 Middle School.They are playing football. Would you like to go to a football match?

S7:It’s a great idea.When is it? T:It’s on Saturday. S8:Let’s go on Saturday.

S9:Let’s go to the football match. S10:It’s a good idea.

T:Excellent! All of you have a good memory. Now all of you make dialogues “Would you like…? Let’s…” with your partners, then act in the front of the classroom.

(Five minutes later)

Call some groups to act out their dialogues.

設計意圖:教師抓住現場的教學資源,從教師自身穿的dress入手,問“what colour is my dress?”到學生的衣服,最后到通過desk問答“what colour is it?”,從教師到學生再到物體,充分利用了現場的教學元素,生活化課堂自然生成.] Step4 Match the words with the pictures. six pictures and six words and expressions to the students. Show Work in pairs.

Step5 Listen and read 1. A game

T:Now, please look at our old friend.(Show Jackie Chan’s photo) Hello!

Ss:(huuu)Hello! T:Glad to meet you! Ss:Glad to meet you, too!

T:Listen! I am your friend. You can ask me some questions. Now, you please! S5:What is your name? T:My name is Tony. S6: How old are you? T:I’m one.

S7: what colour is it?

T:Listen! I am a brown bird. S8:Glad to meet you,Tony. T:Nice to meet you, Li Chong.

T:Now I ask questions, and you answer them. What colour am I? LiChong:Brown.

T:Very Good, Li Chong! Come here. You’re the little teacher. Read “brown”,please!

LiChong: (Point to the brown) One two begin, brown, brown

T:Thank you! Who’d like to be the little teacher? Would you like to have a try? (Some students hands up.)Li Chunlin,please.?


T:Let’s watch TV. What is this?

Ss:A butterfly.

T:Yes, it’s a butterfly.Please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little butterfly.

T:(Show a green and red butterfly)What colour is this butterfly? Helen:It’s green and red.

T:Excellent.You will be the little teacher, come to the front. Helen:One two, begin! It’s green and red. Ss: (Read aloud after Helen) It’s green and red.

(Teacher sticks the green and red butterfly to the blackboard) T:(Show a pink and blue butterfly)What colour is this one? Bob:It’s a pink and blue butterfly.

T:Very good! Thank you. You will be the little teacher.Come here! Bob:One two, begin! It’s a pink and blue. Ss: (Read after Bob.) It’s a pink and blue.

[沿襲了單詞brown教學中的little teacher,這種教學方法可謂是策略,對于激發學生的學習積極性較有效果.另外,教師在前部分教學的基礎上,加大了難度,出現了butterfly,而且顏色都涉及到了兩種.但于前部分內容仍舊環環相扣,循序漸進.課堂向深度,高度發展.] 2.Practice T:Today we will act one btterfly”. and .Read and do the actions after me!

T:OK! I say the words and you do the actions.

Ss:(Do the actions while singing.)

T:Iwant three students to act the butterflies. Any volunteers? Great! Come to the front. You are the lovely butterflies. All students answer my question.

T:What olour is it

Ss:(Doing actions while singing )It’s green and red. It’s pink and blue. It’s brown and yellow blue.

T:Thank you!

[唱歌是學生喜聞樂見的活動形式,教師將此部分內容安排在此處,一方面是與前面所學相掛鉤,鞏固所學;另一方面是在學生保持了較長時間的注意力之后,讓學生得到些許放松,以便以更飽滿的情緒進入下一階段的學習,包括后面的act the butterflies,也是讓學生動一動,抖擻抖擻精神.] Step5 Playing a game

T:Let’s play a game. Who wants to be my partner? Mike:Let me have a try.

T:(Throw a ball to Mike) What colour is it? Mike:It’s pink and blue.

T: Very good! I want two other pairs of students to do the game again. Toby:What colour is it? Sandra: It’s orange and black. Frank: What colour is it? Camilla:It’s brown and yellow.

[圍繞butterfly,有了師生間,學生間的交流,雖然只是簡短的對話,但是卻為后面的Free talk做好了準備.] Step6 Free talk The teacher takes out a pen on a student’s desk, and makes a dialogue with the whole class.

T:Hello,every one! Ss:Hello,Mr.Gao!

T:What’s this in English?

(Students take out their school things and make up new dialogues by themselves. At last, Teacher chooses two groups come to the front act their dialogue.)

June: Hello! Lucy: Hello!

June:What’s your name?

Lucy:My name is Lucy.What’s your name? June:My name is June. How old are you? Lucy: I’m one. What colour is it?

June:It’s blue and pink. What colour is it?

Lucy:It’s brown and yellow. What day is it today? June: Monday.OK,bye-bye! Lucy:Bye-bye!

(Teacher asks two more pairs to act out

[學生英語表達的細胞在此完全得到釋放,而且教師引導學生拿出自己的玩具,互編新對話,培養了學生在真實場景中運用英語的能力.在此部分,我們可以看到學生思維的火花得以綻放.] Step7 Magic T:Look,what colour is it? Ss:It’s blue.

T:Look,what colour is it? Ss:It’s yellow.

T: (Mixing the two colours)Look,what colour is it now? Ss:It’s green.

T:How lovely!Listen,blue and yellow is green. Ss:Blue and yellow is green.

T:Now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel. Show me yellow. Ss:Yellow-yellow-yellow.(Read and hands up) T:Show me blue. Ss:Blue-blue-blue. T:Show me red. Ss:Red-red-red.

T:Mix the colours and then find out what you get. Talk with your partner about the colours.

Ss:(Doing the experiment and then have conversations in their group.) T: What do you get from what you did just now?Tell me together. Ss: Red and blue is purple. Red and yellow is orange. T:You’re clever.

Step 8 Everyday English

T:Let’s see what’s on TV. Blue in the face.What is the meaning? Ss:藍色的臉。

T:臉變成了藍色說明了什么? Ss:很生氣。 T:Yes. Ss: Red.

T:Yes, red.可是在英語中要表示“氣得臉發紅”,應該怎樣說呢? Ss:Blue in the face.

T:That’s right!You should remember it.注意可不要望文生義喲!

T:Time is up.We have to say good bye!

their dialogues.)



T:Let's sing a song.The song's name is“Let's play!Let's sing!”



T:Class begins!Hello,everyone! Ss:Hello,Miss Chai ! T:How are you today? Ss:We're fine,thank you.

T:What's the weather like today? Ss:It's fine.



T:A lovely day,isn't it?I have a piece of good news for you.We're going to visit the zoo.(貼出動物園的圖片)Are you happy?


T:Today we'll learn a lesson about the zoo.Please tell me.Which lesson shall we learn? Ss:Lesson 22.

T:OK!Now,let's count from one to twenty-two!


T:Well,who can tell me what you can find in the zoo? Ss:Cats,dogs,birds...

T:Oh,we'll see so many animals.That's great!Now,please look here.We'll meet many animal friends today.What's this?(出示動物頭飾)

S:It's a bird.

T:Oh,yes.This bird is for you!(S1帶上頭飾) (以下cat,dog,同上)

評析:用學生已經學過的動物引出“What's this?It's...”的新授句型。在運用中明白了句子的含義,也掌握了句子的用法,有一種潤物無聲的境界!

T:Now,we have three animals,they are our best friends!But look there,there is another friend.She's waiting to meet us.Who's she?(出示大熊貓玩具)

Ss:Da Xiongmao. T:Yes,it's a Da Xiongmao,but in English it's a panda.Now,please say after me,“panda”! T:Look there,I have a beautiful picture.What's this?(貼出大熊貓的圖片) Ss:Panda.

T:Yes,but how to spell it?(出示單詞卡) Ss:“P-A-N-D-A,panda!” T:Let's sing a song.(師生同唱并拼寫,教師指圖) T:What's this? Ss:It's a panda. (同法教單詞tiger)


T:We met so many animal friends.And would you like to go to the zoo with me?Are you ready?Let's go!OK?

T and Ss:One,two,three,go!(師生同看多媒體影片)


T:What did Ann say? Ss:“What's this?”

T:Yes,Ann說“這是什么?”,in English we should say,“What's this?”

T:Now,look at me please.What's this?It's a tiger.What's this?It's a panda.Do you understand?Please say after me.(教師手指教室內戴頭飾的學生)

T:Now please point to an animal,ask and answer in pairs.(學生分組練習)


T:Your pronunciations are fine.Now let's listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak.)


T:We all like animals,but the zoo isn't the animals hometown.Where is their real hometown?


T:Yes!Let's look at the animal.OK?(觀看多媒體影片) T:Do you like animals? Ss:Yes!

T:The earth belongs to both animals and human beings.We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment,and protect them from being hurt.Do you think so?


T:OK!Let's begin from now on!

T:The time is up.Good-bye,everyone!



Step 1 Greetings

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Wang!

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, Thank you, and you?

T: I’m fine, too. What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: Very good. Sit down, please!

設計意圖:以學生耳熟能詳的英語問候語 “ Good afternoon.” “ How are you?” 以及天氣等引入課堂,吸引學生的注意力.

Step 2 New words and expressions

The students learn the new words and expressions all by themselves, and help each other, the teacher checks and helps. Now call a student to read them , the others listen and check..

S1:(reads the new words and expressions)

The teacher teaches the new words and expressions, then the Ss read them and check each other.


Step 3 Presentation

T: Please look at the picture. What’s this in English?

Ss: It is a cinema.

T: Very Good. Then would you like to go to the cinema?

S2: Yes, I’d like to.

S3: That’s a great idea.

S4: That’s a good idea.

T: What else?

S5: Great idea.

S6: Good idea.

The teacher takes out another picture and says this is a football match between Guqiao Middle School and Yanghe Middle School. They are playing football. Would you like to go to a football match?

S7: It’s a great idea. When is it?

T: It’s on Saturday.

S8: Let’s go on Saturday.

S9: Let’s go to the football match.

S10: It’s a good idea.

T: Excellent! All of you have a good memory. Now all of you make dialogues “Would you like…? Let’s…” with your partners,then act in the front of the classroom.

(Five minutes later)

Call some groups to act out their dialogues.

設計意圖:教師抓住現場的教學資源,從教師自身穿的dress入手,問 “ what colour is my dress?” 到學生的衣服,最后到通過desk問答 “ what colour is it?”,從教師到學生再到物體,充分利用了現場的教學元素, 生活化課堂自然生成.]

Step4 Match the words with the pictures.

Show six pictures and six words and expressions to the students. Work in pairs.

Step5 Listen and read

1. A game

T: Now, please look at our old friend. (Show Jackie Chan’s photo)


Ss: (huuu) Hello!

T: Glad to meet you!

Ss: Glad to meet you, too!

T: Listen!I am your friend. You can ask me some questions. Now, you please!

S5: What is your name?

T: My name is Tony.

S6: How old are you?

T: I’m one.

S7: what colour is it?

T: Listen! I am a brown bird.

S8: Glad to meet you, Tony.

T: Nice to meet you, Li Chong.

T: Now I ask questions, and you answer them. What colour am I?

Li Chong: Brown.

T: Very Good, Li Chong! Come here. You’re the little teacher. Read “brown”, please!

Li Chong: (Point to the brown) One two begin, brown, brown

T: Thank you! Who’d like to be the little teacher? Would you like to have a try?

(Some students hands up.) Hu Lingli, please.…

設計意圖:整個過程,學生都處在教師創設的情境中,圍繞 “ Brown Bird”展開教學.通過讓學生提問brown bird到brown bird提問學生,操練了英語基本用語, 給學生開口說英語提供了機會。 教師還讓學生嘗試當小老師,

帶領全班同學一起學習,這既是對該生回答正確的肯定, 讓優生帶動了全班同學,又充分調動了其他學生學習英語的熱情.

Step 4 Presentation and Practice

1. Presentation

T: Let’s watch TV. What is this?

Ss: A butterfly.

T: Yes, it’s a butterfly. Please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little butterfly.

T: (Show a green and red butterfly) What colour is this butterfly?

Helen: It’s green and red.

T: Excellent. You will be the little teacher, come to the front.

Helen: One two, begin! It’s green and red.

Ss: (Read aloud after Helen) It’s green and red.

(Teacher sticks the green and red butterfly to the blackboard)

T: (Show a pink and blue butterfly)What colour is this one?

Bob:It’s a pink and blue butterfly.

T: Very good! Thank you. You will be the little teacher. Come here! Bob: One two, begin! It’s a pink and blue.

Ss: (Read after Bob.) It’s a pink and blue.

(Teacher sticks the pink and blue butterfly to the blackboard. Do the same to the brown and yellow butterfly.)

[沿襲了單詞brown教學中的little teacher,這種教學方法可謂是策略,對于激發學生的學習積極性較有效果.另外,教師在前部分教學的基礎上,加大了難度,出現了butterfly, 而且顏色都涉及到了兩種.但于前部分內容仍舊環環相扣,循序漸進.課堂向深度,高度發展.]

2. Practice

T: Today we will learn a new song: “A butterfly”. Stand up. Read and do the actions after me!

T: OK! I say the words and you do the actions.

Ss: (Do the actions while singing.)

T: I want three students to act the butterflies. Any volunteers? Great! Come to the front. You are the lovely butterflies. All students answer my question.

T: What colour is it?

Ss: (Doing actions while singing )It’s green and red. It’s pink and blue. It’s brown and yellow blue.

T: Thank you!

[唱歌是學生喜聞樂見的活動形式,教師將此部分內容安排在此處,一方面是與前面所學相掛鉤,鞏固所學;另一方面是在學生保持了較長時間的注意力之后,讓學生得到些許放松,以便以更飽滿的情緒進入下一階段的學習,包括后面的act the butterflies,也是讓學生動一動,抖擻抖擻精神.]

Step 5 Playing a game

T: Let’s play a game. Who wants to be my partner?

Mike: Let me have a try.

T: (Throw a ball to Mike) What colour is it?

Mike: It’s pink and blue.

T: Very good! I want two other pairs of students to do the game again.Toby: What colour is it?

Sandra: It’s orange and black.

Frank: What colour is it?

Camilla: It’s brown and yellow.

[圍繞butterfly,有了師生間,學生間的交流,雖然只是簡短的對話,但是卻為后面的Free talk做好了準備.]

Step 6 Free talk

The teacher takes out a pen on a student’s desk, and makes a dialogue with the whole class.

T: Hello, every one!

Ss: Hello, Miss Wang!

T: What’s this in English?

(Students take out their school things and make up new dialogues by themselves. At last, Teacher chooses two groups come to the front act their dialogue.)

June: Hello!

Lucy: Hello!

June: What’s your name?

Lucy: My name is Lucy. What’s your name?

June: My name is June. How old are you?

Lucy: I’m one. What colour is it?

June: It’s blue and pink. What colour is it?

Lucy: It’s brown and yellow. What day is it today?

June: Monday. OK, bye-bye!

Lucy: Bye-bye!

(Teacher asks two more pairs to act out their dialogues.)


Step 7 Magic

T: Look, what colour is it?

Ss: It’s blue.

T: Look, what colour is it?

Ss: It’s yellow.

T: (Mixing the two colours) Look, what colour is it now?

Ss: It’s green.

T: How lovely! Listen, blue and yellow is green.

Ss: Blue and yellow is green.

T: Now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel. Show me yellow. Ss: Yellow-yellow-yellow. (Read and hands up)

T: Show me blue.

Ss: Blue-blue-blue.

T: Show me red.

Ss: Red-red-red.

T: Mix the colours and then find out what you get. Talk with your partner about the colours.

Ss: (Doing the experiment and then have conversations in their group.) T: What do you get from what you did just now? Tell me together. Ss: Red and blue is purple. Red and yellow is orange.

T: You’re clever.

Step 8 Everyday English

T: Let’s see what’s on TV. Blue in the face. What is the meaning? Ss: 藍色的臉。


Ss: 很生氣。

T: Yes. 如果中國人很生氣,臉變成什么顏色?

Ss: Red.

T: Yes, red. 可是在英語中要表示“氣得臉發紅”,應該怎樣說呢? Ss: Blue in the face.

T: That’s right! You should remember it.注意可不要望文生義喲! T: Time is up. We have to say good bye!

Ss: Bye-bye! Miss Bai. Thank you!

[此部分內容,雖然是課堂的尾聲,但卻是此課的精彩部分所在.對于本課所學顏色類單詞,教師精心設計了一個小活動和一個習慣用語的滲透.一個調色盤的游戲, 艷麗的色彩足以吸引學生的眼球,從英語課堂中培養了學生的藝術細胞;還有從 “ Blue in the face.”形象地告訴學生 “氣得臉發紅”就用 “Blue in the face”.表達,還告訴了學生不要望文生義.在此,英語課堂已完全突破了教材的限制,但又能立足于課堂,教師獨具匠心的設計極為巧妙,值得學習.]


一、 歌曲導入:

T: Let’s sing a song. The song’s name is 《One little finger》. [評:教學熱身是英語課堂TPR教學方法的重要形式之一,教師采用歌曲來緩解學生的緊張情緒,建立輕松和協民主的課堂氛圍,為進一步的學習奠定了良好的基礎。]

二、 師生問候:

T: Class begins! Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Miss Cai! T: How are you today? Ss: We're fine, thank you. T: What’s the weather like today? Ss: It's fine. [評:簡單的問候,可以幫助學生適應英語語感,使學生很自然地進入英語學習狀態。]

三、 新授知識:

T: A lovely today, isn't it? I have a good news for you. We're going to visit the zoo. Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: Today we'll learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn? Ss: Lesson9 T: OK! Now, let’s count from one to nine! (教師同時書寫板書Lesson9。) [評:在學生原有知識的基礎上,以數字引入,使課題的出示別具特色,自然而不失趣味性。] T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo? Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos… .

T: Oh, we’ll see so many animals. That’s great! Now, please look here. We'll meet many animal friends today. What’s this?(出示動物頭飾) T: Do you have a monkey? S: No, I don’t.

T: Oh, Don’t worry. This monkey is for you! (S1帶上頭飾) (以下lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上)

T: Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is another friend. She's waiting to meet us. Who's she?(指向長頸鹿玩偶) Ss: Changjinglu. T: Yes, it’s a Changjinglu, but in English it's a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”! T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, what’s this?(貼出長頸鹿圖) Ss: Giraffe. T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示單詞卡) Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e ”

T: Let’s sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(師生同唱并拼寫,教師指圖) T: What’s this?

第 1 頁 共 15 頁 Ss: It’s a giraffe.

[評:運用頭飾這一簡單的教具,將學生喜愛的動物請到了課堂上來,使學生產生了濃厚的興趣,使抽象化的詞匯學習具體化,易化了詞匯這一教學難點。] T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Let's go! OK?

T and Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(師生同看多媒體投影)

[評:從英語學科的實際特點出發,教者運用電腦多媒體再現課文內容,使學生有如身臨其境,培養了學生的觀察能力和語言應用能力。] T: What did Jack say? Ss: "Look there!" T: Yes, Jack說“看那兒”,in English we should say, "Look there." T: Now, look at me please. Look there! It’s a monkey. Look there! It’s a hippo. Do you understand? Please say after me. (教師手指教室內戴頭飾的學生)

T: Now, let’s sing a song 《One little finger 》, but this time please sing that like me.(師生共同唱并手指相應的動物頭飾)。

T:Now please point to an animal, ask and answer in pairs. (學生分組練習)

T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子) It’s a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形單詞卡)Do you understand? What does it mean in Chinese? Ss:Xihuan. T: Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys. (板書: like monkeys)

T: OH. Now look there. There is a “s ”, but why? (拿出單數卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So there’s no “s”. (拿出復數卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must add an “s”(利用多張卡片領學生練習這區分單詞的單復數) T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please. Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephants…

T: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say, “Yes, I do.”(師生練習句型) T: Let’s play a game. I’ll ask you “Do you like …?” If you like it, please stand up. [評:這部分內容是教學的難點,教師通過TPR教學法最大限度地引發學生積極學習的興趣,使句型的操練這有一枯燥的演練形式興趣化。] T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now let’s listen to the tape and read after it. (Listen and speak) [評:在英語教學中,原聲語音的模仿是必不可少的步驟,有利于培養學生優美的語感,為英語的終身學習打下良好的基礎。] T: Ok, good job! But I'd like to know which is your favorite animal, so let's ask each other. (由學生進行調查練習) [評:采用采訪形式,設計得情趣盎然,生動活潑,突出了教師的主導地位,同時學生的主體作用也得到了更大限度的發揮,學生爭先恐后參與活動,成為活動的主人,他們在輕松、民主的氛圍中得到了知識的鞏固,得到了英語語言交際能力的鍛煉,提高了交際性能力,從而達到了良好的教學反饋。] T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isn't really the animals hometown. Where is their real hometown? S: 大自然。


從事英語教學五年, 筆者接觸兩種不同新教材----人教版和人教新課標.雖然執教時間不長,卻頗有感觸.特別是九月份開始接觸人教新課標這本教材,深深感覺到教學永遠是形影不離的.高中英語教學給我的印象是: 與時俱進;一氣呵成;環環相扣,步步為贏;師生互動,教學相長.學生永遠是主體,教師是漁夫,授學生與漁.

作為授漁者,要了解授漁的漁具.教師首先必學對新教材有深刻的認識,對其指導精神了如指掌.在筆者眼里,新教材本著”以人為本”,要求學生主動參與,主動探究學習,具有以下特點: 話題與時俱進,語言地道自然;;教學理念先進,倡導體驗學習;引導探究學習,編排體系合理;設計圖文并茂,留給創造空間;單元生詞大幅增加,語法進度大步加快.

作為教授者,要了解授漁的對象.筆者執教于一所縣城中學.大多數學生來自農村,往往都具備這樣的特征:英語基礎薄弱,底子差,深受”語法”為中心的傳統教學的影響,只關注語法和單詞用法, 聽力口語零階段. 同時,由于條件的限制,大多數學生見識少而學習態度不端正,認為學習英語就是考試會做題.總之,對英語學習興趣不高,缺乏學習方法且自尊心特強.


一. 教學過程中, 注重常規教學中求創新,注意高一年級與初中的銜接過渡:


二. 重視語言知識的教學,不玩花架子

1. 重視培養學生良好的學習習慣(1)記的習慣(2)讀的習慣(3)寫的習慣

2. 高中英語教學要始終貫徹交際性原則,強化學生主體意識: “讓游泳者到水中去。”這是交際語言教學理論的思想核心。語言學家毛魯(ke morrow)曾說過:“to learn it, do it… only by practising communicative activities can we learn to communicate.”貫徹交際性原則也就是要把教學活化為實際,我的做法是:

⑴.建立“課前五分鐘會話”,培養課堂交際氛圍。如一進課堂我說:“it’s nice to see you again. / it’s fine today, isn’t? / how are you today?”星期一上課問:“did you have a good time at the weekend?”學生會作出不同的回答,引出更多的對話,從而達到交際的目的。

⑵.如果有可能的話,盡量堅持讓學生作duty report鍛煉學生開口的好方法。具體是讓當天值日生在講臺前向同學們介紹當天日期、天氣、出勤等情況,也可以讓他們講故事,并允許他們隨意挑選同學回答問題。



3. 培養學生的自學能力: 只有通過輔導學生掌握一套科學的學習方法,并培養學生的自學能力,才能使學生的學習積極性和主動性得以發揮。我的具體做法是:培養學生的預習能力、各種方法掌握英語基本知識的能力、學生自己整理所學知識的能力。另外,自學能力的提高還得益于學生課外大量的獨立的閱讀,于是高一我們就要求學生人人盡量有一本英漢詞典作為工具書,讓他們勤查字典。

4. 認真抓好英語早讀:外語教師下班級認真抓早讀課,除了對學生起督促鼓勵的作用外,還能及時發現學生的發音、朗讀、理解課文及語法概念上存在的問題,并及時給予糾正、示范和指導,從而掌握了學生實際水平的第一手資料。這樣就可以有針對性地制定各階段的教學計劃及具體教學安排,有利于提高教學質量。早讀課不像上正課那樣規矩嚴格,師生之間的交流也不拘形式,這樣有助于密切師生感情。而這時情感的產生往往在激發學生學習外語興趣方面起著積極的作用,同時也是推動學生學習的動力。從心理學的角度來說,早晨是人的記憶高峰期。在這個時期明讀外語、拼讀單詞、背誦課文或練習語音語調等,能在短時間內收到事半功倍的效果。


1.生詞量大,學生難以掌握. 新課標要求的詞匯量: 修完1-5本必修課本, 詞匯量為2400-2500個,達到七級要求; 達到八級要求, 即修完1-8本教材, 詞匯量要求為3300個; 九級要求的詞匯量是4500個. 鑒于這樣的安排,每個單元的詞匯基本是在50-60之間。對于我們農村中學的學生來說,難度頗大。





合理使用教材,對教材進行必要的重組. 新課標對教材的使用提出如下建議: 教師要善于結合實際的需要,靈活和有創造性地使用教材, 對教材內容, 編排順序和教學方法等方面進行適當地取舍或調整。實際操作過程中, 對教材的使用主要作了相應調整:

1)刪減難度教大的內容主要是listening, speaking, 以及練習冊中的project 等等; project因為需要學生走出課堂,對某個問題進行研究探討,甚至需要收集資料,參與社會實踐才能完成,這對于農村寄宿制的學校,很難做到。而listening and speaking 則是鑒于學生的英語實際水平,大部分根本無法開展。于是選用英語輔導報上的聽力材料或者英語歌曲等代替,以此提高學生的聽力水平。另外關于寫作,因為每個單元寫作任務比較多,也只能是有所篩選著用或者不用,取而代之的是一些常見的句型背誦以及課文精彩段落背誦。

2)調整教學順序每個單元的教學我們一般需要7個課時,通常是:warming up。


★ 英語課堂教學反思

★ 關于英語教學反思

★ 英語教學反思范文

★ 英語教學反思簡短記錄五篇

★ 高中英語教學總結1500字優秀范文五篇

★ 高三英語教師教學反思

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★ 高三英語老師個人教學總結5篇

★ 中學英語教師實習報告2000字

★ 高中英語學習方法反思與推薦




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